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Leadership Update: Makala Navarro

The three hearts of Heartspring

Makala Navarro Makala Navarro

I recently learned about the story behind the three hearts in our logo. These three hearts represent a vision of reflection and everlasting hope and opportunity that changes the lives of people with complex needs and their families. The heart in the center represents the family at the core of each child’s life. The navy heart pours into the child in the way Heartspring employees dedicate themselves to improving the lives of the children we serve. And finally, the tricolored heart at the bottom symbolizes the support of the community which has served as our foundation from the very beginning. All of these parts - the children and families we serve, our employees, and our supporters - make up our organization. This multi-layered heart symbolism reflects the blending of our lives: we are forever changed because of one another. I found this fascinating and so true.  

Running an errand recently, I met a woman whose child received services here nearly twenty years ago – an experience that helped shape their lives. And who was behind these experiences? Our staff, some of whom are still here today. And services costs were supported by contributions from our supporters, making a real difference. Without the support, this kiddo would not have been able to receive services. Though some days can be overwhelming, our staff are amazing and truly do pour into our kiddos. This is what excites me about the future of this organization. It’s no secret that things have been rocky the past few years. Multiple leadership changes, a global pandemic, and staffing shortages haven’t been kind. Burnout and frustration abound. But there is still hope…that everlasting hopefulness for a bright future. We hope that you, our supporters, are as excited for Heartspring’s future as the leadership team is. Light Your Heart, our annual fundraising gala was this weekend. I was able to attend for the first time and met some of you there.  

And, because I am human resources, I would be remiss not to mention that we are hiring! Please encourage your friends, family, neighbors, and the friendly gal you met in the park while walking your Great Dane to consider Heartspring for future employment! We’ll be participating in multiple job and career fairs this spring and applications are always available. :) 

Thank you for supporting our hope - our employees, students, and clients are the heart of everything at Heartspring. As you go on to commit yourself to advance our mission, know that we appreciate you and the foundation of support you provide. 

Kind Regards, 

Makala Navarro 
Chief People Officer 


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