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Leadership Update with Dr. Kenny Bui

Portrait of Dr. Kenny Bui Portrait of Dr. Kenny Bui

Greetings Everyone,

I hope that this message finds you all in good health. On behalf of Heartspring, I want to share information and offer updates. With the hiring of Mr. Dan Soliday as President and CEO in December 2022 and the onboarding of Crystal Hough as our Chief Financial Officer in February 2023, we have been fortunate to backfill two essential leadership roles.

Heartspring continues to place the utmost importance on its employees' mental and physical health. Our Chief People Officer, Makala Navarro, has done a fantastic job supporting and empowering our people by providing accessible resources like EMPAC. EMPAC is a local non-profit organization committed to providing top-notch services to businesses, staff people, and their families. Coaching, counseling, and offering resources to our staff are a few of the services that EMPAC offers. Now that they have access to EMPAC, our employees can seek support from a professional clinician for discussions and counseling as needed.

After COVID, staffing is still challenging, and Heartspring is not the only company facing this problem. Heartspring continues to be aggressive and involved in many career employment and recruiting events to promote Heartspring with great support from Makala and HR. The training and orientation process has been updated beginning in January 2023, adding one extra week to the program to give new hires greater interaction, engagement, and observation time in the environment.

Our CEO, Dan, presented information about the "enrollment pause" in the leadership update in April. This period of time allows staff to rest, recover, and re-energize while providing an opportunity to level staff to the appropriate ratio and coverage support.

One of our core values is celebration, and every level of staff member within the organization takes delight in and regularly celebrates staff and student accomplishments. Our special project coordinator, Julie Noller, has exceeded expectations by hosting the art day, organizing students' graduation, and commemorating staff members' birthdays and work anniversaries. Because each of us at Heartspring cares about our students, staff, and everyone involved in advancing our mission and values, all of these things are made possible.

The leadership team is committed to serving and supporting our students and employees! As you commit to supporting and advancing our mission, we will never stop appreciating you.

Kind Regards,

Kenny Bui, PhD

Chief Operating Officer


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