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Values Ambassador Spotlight: Demaj Thompson

Portrait of Demaj Thompson Portrait of Demaj Thompson

Classroom Para Demaj Thompson is this month’s Values Ambassador. Rebekah Blakely nominated him because of the connections he builds with students. Even if a student has limited communication, Rebekah says you can see a thousand words exchanged through just eye contact with Demaj.

Additionally, Demaj planned and coordinated a Friday night movie outing at his church. He collaborated with residential to create a fun, safe activity for our students. The movie night included a concession stand, sensory-friendly lights and atmosphere, and a crew of kind personnel that welcomed all of our students with smiles.

Was the movie night something Demaj had to do?
No. Planning an outing for our students is NOT an easy thing to pull off, and Demaj did it quietly with grace and humility and for the enjoyment of our students.

What is he like to work with?
While I don’t work directly with Demaj, every time I see him, he greets me with a smile and asks how my day is going. Whenever he is sent to another environment, he works to get to know the other students and helps in any ways that are needed. He is patient, calm, and consistent. He has a warmth that he brings to any interactions with students and staff alike.

How much do you think his work impacts the children and families we serve?
His work has a tremendous impact on the children and families of Heartspring. Between his relationships with students to the ways he’s advocating for them outside of work, Demaj can look at his time here and know he has made such a positive impact on our students and their success.


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