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Values Ambassador: Special Education Teacher Victoria Reyes

Special Education Teacher Victoria Reyes built a career with Heartspring

Victoria Reyes Victoria Reyes

Special education teacher Victoria Reyes has been with Heartspring for more than 12 years and has tackled many roles, including speech-language pathologist assistant and substitute teacher. While working here, she continued her education and eventually got her teaching degree allowing her to oversee her own classroom as a teacher.

Regardless of her job title, Victoria has always brought a passion for Heartspring's mission and dedication to the students we serve. That’s why staff trainer Adrian Nase nominated her.

Why did you nominate Victoria?
When I nominated her, I chose excellence because it's kind of that umbrella because she encompasses all of our values here at Heartspring. I really think that she has all the qualities we have listed as values, and it really shows when she's teaching with the students and her staff who are just now coming in or are having a hard time. She's always able to give a helping hand or lend a little bit of advice. She’s able to adapt to people's different learning styles. She's always aware of other people's struggles, and so she's able to work on those struggles with those people.

Can you talk a little bit about her dedication to Heartspring?
She’s been here for quite a while. She hasn't just been in one position. She's been in so many other positions in this field. She was also going to school. She's gone from working as a direct care professional on third shift. She worked in the speech department. She has been involved from the ground up. Now she is a special education teacher, and it's wonderful to see her transition into the leader that she is today.

What do you think she means to the kids and the families?
I think she means a lot because when I think of Victoria, I think of the word “understanding.” There's a lot of questions that our families may have. She's able to help them understand the different types of relationships between staff and student and family and student. She's always giving them some sort of help like things they can do at home to see if they work. The key point being consistency. She will always tell you that consistency is the key.


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